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Canvasback 1

Canvasback 2

Canvasback 4

2 CanvasbacksCanvasback drakes meeting Mallard couple

They’re diving ducks:

Canvasback Diving

I hadn’t seen a Canvasback duck for a couple of years so it was fun to see two handsome drakes when I went to Granada Park, a Phoenix city park, the other day. Through part of 2014 and all of 2015 and 2016, I went to Granada Park about once a week and saw a lot of cool birds there. Starting in 2017, I quit finding new birds and it was kind of boring so I didn’t go much in 2017 and this is only the second time this year that I’ve gone. It was nice to be back on a crisp day. I didn’t see any new birds but it was still fun to see who may be spending the winter. Plenty of the following ducks were there:

RNDU 2Ring-necked Duck

Wigeon 2

WigeonAmerican Wigeons, males

Grackle FemaleGreat-tailed Grackle, female

Gilded Flicker_edited-1

Flicker 1

Gilded Flicker 3Northern Flicker, Red-shafted, female

Flicker BoyGilded Flicker, male

Mourning Dove SublimeMourning Dove, feeling sublime


YRWA 2Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon’s, female

It’s been really cold here, freezing at night, so many of the plants are covered up. The outdoor kitties have a lot of extra blankets and towels in their beds (and a new igloo but it only fits one, unfortunately) and the birds are bundled up.

OCWA with Beanie_edited-3

Tink, the Orange-crowned Warbler, is happy for all the grape jelly but wishes it would warm up. She kindly posed for a New Year’s photo, though…

Tink New Year_edited-1




Holiday Cheer

OCWA in Snow 2_edited-1“I’m glad I’m wintering in Phoenix!”

Are you in the mood for the holidays? Hmmm, I’m not really (yet, anyway) but here are a few photos of my yard birds beginning to celebrate.

Finch Christmas Tree_edited-1

Thrasher with Present_edited-1“For me? I hope it’s peanuts.”

Hum 12.18

GIWO House_MC-1“I pecked that myself.”

That was an Orange-crowned Warbler (“Tink”), a House Finch, a Curve-billed Thrasher,  an Anna’s Hummingbird, and a Gila Woodpecker.

Google Sweater“Mom, I wish we had a fireplace and I wish I had a Christmas sweater.”

And here are a few from holidays past…beginning with Google in 2009. He still likes the Christmas tree but mostly lays under it instead of in it now.

Goog in Tree sharper

Our Perch 1_edited-1


Starlings in Cactus with ornament_edited-2


Christmas Mocks ps

Say's Phoebe Ornament

Bun Antlers

House Sparrows, an American Robin, European Starlings, a Verdin, Northern Mockingbirds, a Say’s Phoebe, and a Desert Cottontail were all hoping for some holiday cheer.


Cats x 10_edited-2

Svengali, Kit, Stripey

Jessi, Ivory, Ferguson

Ebony, Google, Edie, Torti

Happy Holidays, Happy Solstice…if you celebrate…


Citizen Science…

Thrasher Wing Action_edited-1

I love observing and learning about the critters right in our own back yard. There is always something going on if you take the time to look…

The last few days, I moved my portable perch over to the only thing in our yard that has autumn colors…the pomegranate bush…which didn’t produce any pomegranates this year. That’s too bad because birds love pomegranates. Adding a few peanuts to the perch draws them in, though.

Perch in Autumn

Thrasher Autumn 2

Thrasher Golden Eyes 2Curve-billed Thrashers

Sparrow Perch 1

Sparrow Perch 2House Sparrows, female and male

This very strange looking little creature dropped by. Someone on Facebook was able to ID it for me. “Tylospilus acutissimus is a species of predatory stink bug in the family Pentatomidae. It is found in the Caribbean, Central America, North America, and South America.” (Wikipedia)

Mystery Bug

This moth was found floating in a tub of water in the backyard. I thought it was a goner but it flew away after a couple hours of rest…look at its cute face!

Butterfly SavedGeometer Moth

A Honeybee was upside down in a container of grape jelly filled with rain. I put her in a dry spot and gave her some jelly which you can see she is sucking up here and she flew away after awhile, too. Both took off to pollinate the world!

Save the Bees

My favorite winter visitor also loves grape jelly…

Tink Looking Up

OCWA Slant


Tink 11.25Orange-crowned Warbler

Goldfinch 12.2

Lesser Goldfinch 11.25Lesser Goldfinches, male and female (they love baths and thistle)

Autumn MockNorthern Mockingbird

Verdin PumpkinVerdin

Anna's 11.25Anna’s Hummingbird

Here’s a few citizen scientist things you can do in your yard (click to go to articles):

  1. Don’t rake your leaves as much.
  2. Join eBird and record your sightings.
  3. Feed the birds, especially in the winter.