Questions and Answers

Who’s in the lantana?

Painted Lady in Lantana
Painted Lady
Fiery Skipper in Lantana
Fiery Skipper
Giant Swallowtail
Giant Swallowtail
Leafcutter Bee in Lantana
Leafcutter Bee

Who’s stealing eggs from a palm tree?

Common Raven Stealing Eggs
Common Raven

Who migrated here for the summer?

Black-chinned Hummingbird, male
Black-chinned Hummingbird, male, eyes closed

Who likes the agave stalk as a new perch?

Rosy-faced Lovebird on Agave Stalk
Rosy-faced Lovebird, juvenile
House Finch on Agave Stalk
House Finch, male

Who loves to take a bath?

The Bath House
Rosy-faced Lovebirds
Bath Time!
European Starling

Who likes to eat stuff from the yard?

Mmmmm, Mulberries!
Abert’s Towhee eating mulberries
Young Anna's Male Eating Something or Other
Anna’s Hummingbird eating something

And who wanted a colorful photo op?

Circus Verdin (Explored, thank you!)

4 thoughts on “Questions and Answers

    1. Wow, really? It’s invasive here so the super birder types either shun or hate it. I don’t mind them but they can become feeder hogs and bring all their friends…they are unique looking, though.

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