Where Did October Go?

Greater Roadrunner
Roadrunner in the Sky
1 of 3. Velociraptor
2 of 3. Velociraptor

Yes, there are Greater Roadrunners in Arizona but I never-in-a-million-years thought we would have one take up residence in our yard, our alley, and some neighboring yards. We live in the middle of Phoenix, in a very urban area, so I was absolutely shocked to see this dude hopping around our yard one day. And that was about a month ago and we still see him/her every couple of days. Yes, he has eaten a couple birds in our yard and I thought of not feeding birds anymore but he isn’t here constantly so…so far, I’m still feeding. Roadrunners are modern day velociraptors.

We were pretty busy in October, finally getting into the swing of life again after the pandemic and other issues. We were at concerts, art openings, plays, restaurants, all sorts of things and November promises more…but I really want to get back to some serious birding…I think I am going a couple of local places this coming week. Meanwhile, our yard was pretty colorful…

Ladder-backed Woodpecker in Mesquite
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, male
A Pretty Girl...
On the Perch
"My tongue's longer than yours!"
Gilded Flickers, female and male (with the red stripe)
3 of 3. Gila Woodpecker, male.
1 of 3. Gila Woodpecker, male.
Gila Woodpecker, male…saw the female, too
Curve-billed Thrasher
Curve-billed Thrasher
Mockingbird Pose
Northern Mockingbird
Pondering the Pythagorean Theorem
Abert’s Towhee
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna’s Hummingbird, male

And a little Halloween and Autumn fun…

Pumpkin Paw
Rock N' Roll Halloween
Fall in Phoenix, Arizona

And now it’s November so I need to get cracking. Hope you are enjoying Fall and getting ready for the madness of the holiday season (not looking forward to it).

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