November 2023 (Revised)

1 of 3. Wood Duck, male
2 of 3. Wood Duck, male

I saw a beautiful Wood Duck at a nearby park I used to frequent all the time. It’s been a few years since last seeing any. So gorgeous.

And everything else in this post is from our yard. I keep saying we have to get out in nature soon again and…we don’t. We have been busy with social engagements, though, this time of year. It’s the perfect time of year to be out in the greater Phoenix area so I hope we do that soon.

Sun Worshipper

Have you ever seen
in your life
more wonderful

than the way the sun,
every evening,
relaxed and easy,
floats toward the horizon

-Mary Oliver

Male Gila Woodpecker
Gila Woodpecker, male

The usual suspects are still around…

Gilded Flicker on Perch
Gilded Flicker on Perch
Gilded Flicker, male
Winter in Phoenix, Arizona
Fiery Skipper on Lantana

And, yes, RayRay the Roadrunner is still making appearances. So exciting and strange.

1. of 3. Greater Roadrunner
1 of 4. RayRay the Roadrunner
2 of 4. RayRay the Roadrunner
3 of 4. RayRay the Roadrunner
4 of 4. RayRay the Roadrunner
Still doing autumn cheer before being sucked into Christmas cheer. Northern Mockingbird.
Northern Mockingbird looking autumnal
American Kestrel in Pine Tree
American Kestrel in our pine tree

A pine tree is a fitting way to end as we head into the winter holiday season. Hope you don’t get overwhelmed with the hype…just the fun.

[Sorry if you received a previous incorrect version of this post. Something happened :(]

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