Adios, 2023!

1 of 3. DBG Christmas Tree
Now that it’s almost 2024, I’d better finish up this year…hope you had some holiday fun. We did a few fun things. We went to the Desert Botanical Garden twice in December and they had some beautiful decorations.
2of 3. DBG 2 Trees
3 of 3. DBG Poinsettia
Holiday-ish Corner at DBG
Self-Portrait of My Husband and Me
Wreath at DBG
DBG Paths with Luminarias

We didn’t see many birds or other critters there, I think there were too many people around:

Gila Woodpecker
Gila Woodpecker, male
Ground Squirrel
Round-tailed Ground Squirrel
Queen Butterfly
Queen Butterfly

Of course we had some holiday festivities at home.

Willing and Not So Willing Holiday Cats
Bouche, Ferguson, and a not-very-cooperative Torti modeled holiday collars

Ferguson, as usual, was the most cooperative:

Sort of, haha…and there were a few birds in the yard looking for exposure…

Inca Dove with Firestick
Inca Dove against fire stick plant backdrop
Gilded Flicker, male
Gilded Flicker, male

And what are the holidays without sparkles?

1 of 2. Sparkling Anna's Male
2 of 2. Sparkling Anna's Male
Anna's male
Anna’s Hummingbirds, male
Form Follows Function
Form follows function with a Curve-billed Thrasher

One of our outdoor kitties, Sadly, was stalking the neighbor’s cat, Misty, in the holiday spirit:

"I Spy."

And now on to New Year’s Eve, where there will, hopefully, not be endless fireworks scaring all the outdoor kitties, dogs, birds, and other wildlife. It’s always a very loud night in Phoenix so I’m dreading it but hoping that 2024 will be a good year for all of us!

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