Where Did June Go?

Cooper's Hawk
Cooper's Hawk Wing Spread
Cooper's Hawk on Wires

This Cooper’s Hawk has been visiting our yard a lot recently and scaring off the regulars. I’ve not seen it grab anyone but I do know it likes the water in the birdbath. I think it’s a male but not 100% positive.

Here are a few more of the poor, hot summer visitors looking for water and food:

Rosy-faced Lovebird Babe
Rosy-faced Lovebird, immature
Verdin on Spinner
Mockingbird Eating Berries
Northern Mockingbird
Abert's Towhee Juvie
Abert’s Towhee, immature
Gila Woodpecker in Glaring Sun
Gila Woodpecker, male
House Finch on Rusty Shed
House Finch
Definite Urban Birdin'
Adult Male House Finch feeding youngster

Our gigantic sunflower bloomed and hosted a bee or 2 and some birds before it slipped into oblivion:

Ginormous Sunflower
Unbearable Lightness of Bee-ing

And Ferguson did a little more posing in various bandanas:

Ferguson Wild and Free

The cats had their communal birthday party in May. A good time was had by all; there were gifts and delicious snacks including tuna and churus. And their official birthday portraits for 2024, Ferguson, Bouche, and Torti:

Ferguson's 2024 Birthday Photo

The outdoor cats also had special treats and enjoyed them. Right now, it’s very hot in Phoenix…well, like every summer…but the outdoor cats have shady spots to spend the days sleeping in avoidance and get more active when the sun sets.

Time did fly by, though, and I almost missed June altogether. Hope you are still blogging away…it does seem to be a dying concept, unfortunately, but I’ll keep plugging away here just for the sheer fun of it.