DBG’ing It

House Sparrow 1_edited-1

We’re members at the Desert Botanical Garden so we (especially I) go there pretty often. It’s also known as a local birding hotspot. We were there last Sunday but the conditions were not optimal. It was very crowded with the Monarch exhibit, the Day of the Dead celebration, and construction so the birds were laying low but we found a few. I was pleased this male House Sparrow, above, posed for me. They’re very common, apparently, but not in my circles so I was excited to see him.

Roadrunner 1

Always a popular crowd-pleaser, the Greater Roadrunners hang around the cafe mooching.

Roadrunner 2

We saw a lot of really tiny butterflies, smaller than Skippers. I tried to ID them but haven’t been able to yet. Edit: Western Pygmy Blue, Marine Blue, Dainty Sulfur (thanks to someone in one of my Facebook groups).




They loved this half-dead plant. Pretty little critters.


When I saw this prompt, above, I had to take a shot:



Prickly Pear.


Tree Trunk

I don’t know why I think this tree trunk is so pretty, but I do.

Purp Flr



Quail 2

The Gambel’s Quails were abundant there.

Curve-Billed Thrasher 2

Curve-Billed Thrasher, above.

House Sparrow 3

But this guy was my favorite and last shot of the day.

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