New Park, New Camera

On Thursday, the Downtown Civic Space Park opened in Phoenix.  Today we went to check it out, new camera in tow.  Okay, I like the camera better than the park. It’s very urban and stark right now. I imagine that, as time goes on and the trees they have planted mature, it will become more aesthetically pleasing.

The new park is adjacent to the downtown campus of Arizona State University and is the result of a collaborative effort between the city of Phoenix and ASU. The goal is to have a special place that will benefit residents, students and downtown visitors. It is also right next to a light rail stop, Phoenix’s new public transportation project.


The most unique (and controversial, as it was almost vetoed) feature of the new park is a wind sculpture by international artist, Janet Echelman. “The artist was inspired by Arizona’s distinctive monsoon cloud formations and Saguaro cactus blossoms, the state flower, to create a vortex-like form which hangs from the two rings. In addition to the rings, the sculpture features light-weight netting that billows and moves with the wind, capturing the dynamic beauty of desert light and the movement of gusts and breezes. Specialized lighting will give the work and the park a landmark presence at night. The net will be made of durable polyester twine with integral colors in blue and violet. The stamen-like core of the sculpture will be yellow.”


Some other buildings in the park complex include:





Then off to a neighboring coffeehouse, which is one of my favorites, Fair Trade Cafe, where all the coffee is fair trade and they also sell merchandise from coffee-producing countries.




I found a gift there for my mother’s upcoming birthday, which was an unexpected bonus.

The camera got a breaking-in. I’m still using it in the automatic mode since I have yet to read the manual.  So far, I like it a lot.
