
Today was a little hot (106) to be driving around in a convertible in Phoenix but there she was, a couple of blocks from my house.

Convertible 1

Good thing there wasn’t much traffic because she didn’t have her eyes on the road.

Convertible 2

What’s she doing?

Water Skier

Oh, it’s not real! It’s a trompe l’oeil, part of this mural~

Mural Long Shot

which goes on and on down the street~

Mural Longer Shot

It’s all part of this building’s property.

Wave on Bldg 2

Wave on Bldg

X Gate Close

Pretty colorful for a commercial building. We used to see the artist painting this mural, little by little, in the evenings a few years ago. I was never quite sure what the nature of this company’s business was but I think it might be vacant now. It has an “Available” sign out front, kind of a shame after all the work they put into it. It’s right in the midst of a residential neighborhood very close to our house.

So, my plan to get a lot of photo fodder stored up didn’t work last weekend and now that it has gotten so hot, after being really nice most of June here, I don’t know how much I will photograph this weekend either. Good intentions don’t always pan out. It makes it really hard to blog without any photos and, in fact, it’s been 3 days since my last post for just that reason. I’ve got the words, just not the pics.

Hope you have a fun, productive weekend.


16 thoughts on “Trompe-l’oeil

  1. oh, how cool is this? so colorful—your pictures are really clear and vibrant.

    it’s funny, ’cause for a split second, i thought that was actually a real car. 🙂

    it’s not quite 106 here, but it has been much hotter than they said it would be on the weather report. we keep waiting for it to cool down. i hate it, ’cause it’s forced me to stay inside—something i’m not used to doing in the summer. 😦

    stay cool, dear. have a great rest of the weekend.


  2. When that first image loaded, I thought it was really a car! Great captures – the mural is really cool, in those hot, hot, temps. You could always do what I do and spread your photos out to one a day. 🙂

    Stay inside where it is air conditioned and look around your home. I bet you have something to photograph.


    1. That might work for awhile but we’ve got another 3-4 months of this weather now so I don’t have that much to photograph inside 🙂 I’ve thought about posting less per day but there always seems to be a story to tell so I need to use several.


  3. Strange but interesting; something to wonder about! How I remember those 100+ days in the Valley of the Sun and what it was like to venture outside in that heat! Here today it was 81° and we thought that was hot. This afternoon I retreated to the higher country where it was much cooler.


  4. The first picture fooled me! 🙂 That heat is too much to be out trying to see a shot. I don’t have that reason, but I too and very low of pictures. You had a great series today. Very nice.


  5. I was fooled too, thinking the car was real, but I thought the driver looked like a mannequin. If it were that hot here, I’d get up & out early to photograph before 10am!!


  6. Man you’ve got some cool stuff in your hood.

    By the way, the blonde in the convertible’s a hoot. We can only hope she’s parked, perhaps waiting for her girlfriends to get in the car. If she is, in fact, driving, well, at least she’s not texting.


    1. Yeah, at least she isn’t texting. But if you look at any of the first 4 photos enlarged, you can see that a tow rope is attached to the end of the car and she is pulling the boy. So I think she is driving while watching the boy. Safety first.


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