2013 Year of the Birds

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At the end of every year, I do a blog summary of highlights but, when you take thousands of photos a year (as most of us do) and post about a variety of things, it’s hard to whittle it down. So the last couple of years, I’ve identified a theme that I posted about during the year and 2013 has to be BIRDS! This is the year I discovered how much I love them and love taking their photos and, also, the year I realized how much I would like a 400mm lens or at least a 300mm.

But I got a lot of shots I was pretty happy with from my 200mm and a little cropping so here are some of my favorite bird shots of 2013, pretty much in chronological order, beginning with the flying geese above.


Vermilion Flycatcher

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Northern Mockingbird

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Anna’s Hummingbird



Cormorant 2




Great Blue Heron


Great Egret

Canada Goose

Canada Goose

Stilt 1

Black-Necked Stilt

White-Crowned Sparrow

White-Crowned Sparrow

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Harris’ Hawk

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Hummer Ftn

Mock Pose 1

Northern Mockingbird


Wet (Starling?)

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Great Blue Heron


Click on the hummer above if he isn’t animated.

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Harris’ Hawks

Duck at Watson


Finch Front




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Great Egret

Heron Black-Crowned Night 10.2.13

Black-Crowned Night Heron



Yin and Yang

Mallards (Yin and Yang)


Gambel’s Quail

CW 2

Cactus Wren


In Audubon Magazine, there was an article called “Ten Reasons to be Thankful for Birds,” this is #10:

They just are.

We have all been transported by simply watching a flying bird.

We have been lifted out of ourselves; we have felt our hearts race when the wings flash by.

Every one of us has seen what really matters–seen it in the blistering stoop of a peregrine, heard it in the richly harmonic dawn song of a thrush, caught its essence in the slow undulations of white pelicans against a blue sky.

And we’ve realized that for those moments, we were privileged to experience something beyond ourselves–that older, greater, glorious world that a wild bird inhabits, and which through its very existence embodies and makes vivid to us.

So, on to 2014…Happy New Year!